Showing posts with label Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to decide on the reserved matters for a proposed 75-home development off Park Road. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to decide on the reserved matters for a proposed 75-home development off Park Road. Show all posts

Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to decide on the reserved matters for a proposed 75-home development off Park Road, Ketton.

Ketton Housing Development Faces Final Hurdle at Planning Committee


Rutland County Council's Planning Committee will meet this evening to decide on the reserved matters for a proposed 75-home development off Park Road, Ketton.  While outline planning permission has already been granted, this meeting will determine the specifics of layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping. The application, submitted by Vistry Homes Limited, has attracted significant local objection, raising concerns about infrastructure, traffic, and the impact on the village's character.

Outline permission for the development was secured at appeal (reference no. 2020/0942/OUT), establishing the principle of development and access via Bartles Hollow.  This evening's meeting focuses on the details of the scheme.  The proposed density is 33 dwellings per hectare, slightly above the recommended 30 for villages.  The western side of the site includes 2.76 hectares of public open space and a 400sqm Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP).

The application has been revised following feedback from officers, consultees, and the public.  Changes have been made to drainage, internal layout, landscaping, and highway details.  Despite these revisions, numerous objections persist.

While the principle of development and access have already been established, residents have raised concerns about the impact on Ketton's infrastructure, including schools, doctors' surgeries, and utilities.  They also cite concerns about drainage and flooding, traffic impact, and the perceived overdevelopment of Ketton.  The impact on wildlife and the quality of submitted surveys are also questioned.

Objections regarding the layout and positioning of houses, their proximity to existing properties, and potential loss of light and privacy have been considered. The planning officer's report states that the layout has been improved, and that the positioning of the new homes complies with separation standards and minimizes shading.

The scale and housing mix have also been points of contention.  While the density is slightly above the recommended level, the report argues it conforms to the outline permission.  The housing mix, however, has been acknowledged as a point of difference with the Strategic Housing Market Assessment, with a higher proportion of four-bedroom homes proposed.  The applicant argues that the mix still offers a range of house types and sizes and that larger homes are more suitable for fronting the open space.

The appearance of the development has been a key focus.  The design has been revised to incorporate "feature dwellings" with architectural details intended to reflect Ketton's historic core.  Materials will include buff brick and either dark grey or red tiles.  Officers have sought further design improvements, but the developer argues that the current submission strikes a balance between modern and traditional styles.

Affordable housing provision has been revised to address comments from the Housing Strategy Officer.  The affordable homes will be a mix of affordable rent, shared ownership, and first homes, distributed throughout the development.

The public consultation process has generated 75 responses, with many recurring objections related to infrastructure, drainage, traffic, and residential amenity.  Subsequent revisions led to a further nine objections, focusing on the adequacy of the changes.

Despite the ongoing objections, the planning officer's report concludes that the reserved matters, as revised, are acceptable and recommends approval subject to conditions. The Planning Committee will now consider the application, weighing the concerns of local residents against the established principle of development and the planning officer's assessment.  Their decision will determine the final form of this significant development in Ketton.

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