Cutts Close Play Area to Close for Essential Maintenance, Oakham Town Council is spending £20,000 on essential maintenance of the equipment and resurfacing the play area.

Cutts Close Play Area to Close for Essential Maintenance

The popular children's play area in Cutts Close, Oakham, will be closed from Monday 9th September for two weeks. 

Oakham Town Council is spending £20,000 on essential maintenance of the equipment and resurfacing the play area.

The play area is very well used by families and children of all ages, and the council is committed to ensuring that it is safe and enjoyable for everyone. 

The maintenance work will include repairing damaged equipment, as well as improving the safety of the play area.

The council apologises for any inconvenience caused by the closure of the play area. 

They hope that the essential maintenance work will make the play area even better for families and children to enjoy.

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