Richard Cole, High Sheriff of Rutland, Recognises Rob Persani of Rutland and Stamford Sound for Community Contributions

Richard Cole, High Sheriff of Rutland, Recognises Rob Persani for Community Contributions

Rutland's community spirit was celebrated today in Uppingham Rutland as Richard Cole, the High Sheriff of Rutland, presented Rob Persani, a well-known presenter at Rutland and Stamford Sound, with an award for his dedicated work within the region.

The High Sheriff's awards are a way to acknowledge those individuals who go above and beyond in their service to the community. In this instance, Rob Persani's commitment to Rutland was deemed worthy of special recognition.

Aspen Manor Oakham Rutland Summer Fair Invites Stallholders

Aspen Manor Oakham Rutland Summer Fair Invites Stallholders https://aspenmanorcarehome.co.uk/ Aspen Manor Care Home, Barleythorpe Road, Oakh...

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