Showing posts with label Rutland Councillors Clash Over Communication and Transparency (Video). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rutland Councillors Clash Over Communication and Transparency (Video). Show all posts

Rutland Councillors Clash Over Communication and Transparency (Video)

Rutland Councillors Clash Over Communication and Transparency

Questions have been raised at Rutland County Council meeting over concerns about a lack of information sharing between the council and its elected members. Councillor Hemsley raised concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding key initiatives, such as the Transformation program and the recruitment of a Flooding Officer.

Hemsley argued that ward residents often seem to be better informed about council activities than the councillors themselves. He cited several examples, including the merging of jobs and potential staff redundancies within the Transformation program, and the lack of updates on the recruitment process for the Flooding Officer.

Councillor Waller, the leader of the council, responded by acknowledging the challenges of the Transformation program and the importance of confidentiality during redundancy procedures. She also provided updates on the recruitment of the Flooding Officer and the target response time for member queries.

However, Hemsley's said his concerns echoed those of other councillors who expressed frustration with the council's communication and transparency. He said elected representatives should be treated as part of the organisation and provided with timely and detailed information.

Councillor Hemsley's Question:

We are all working for the best outcome for Rutland but I have again found that ward
residents are more informed about Council activities than I am. If we are to be effective we
need to address this failure in information sharing.
There are many many examples of this I am just going to mention three.
• Firstly, the Transformation work. I am finding out jobs are being merged and
departments then needing to shed staff. Whilst I understand the complications with
when to share but a high level view would be useful as I find it discourteous and a
potential embarrassment when looking blankly at said employee.
• Secondly, we have a budget for a Flooding Officer which was fiercely protected at
our Budget meeting, could we please have an update on this recruitment.
• And finally Members Queries. I have never been a supporter of this however I do
understand why we have it. I have spoken with other members as well just to check it
was not me, the efficiency of it is the issue we have concerns as an elected
representative of our residents we should be treated as part of the organisation as
we are here to help promote the Council in our communities.
So when will we have robust and open communications with elected members and the
Executive, led by the Leadership from the top?

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